“The most powerful and effective Strategic RoundTable I’ve ever experienced. Truly transformational. Absolute Genius!”
3 min. 31 sec.
“So What Really is a “CEOnly Strategic RoundTable?”
Imagine having the opportunity to collaborate with an exclusive group of high-level business owners, entrepreneurs and CEOs – all like-minded people focused on achieving the highest results in every area of their lives.
And 12 weeks later you have deep, powerful and trusting relationships with a tremendous new group of collaborators, mentors and experts.
During those 12 weeks you gain lots of fresh new ideas, visions and SOLUTIONS for your biggest challenges and frustrations. In the process you achieve honest feedback, confidence, support, inspiration, certainty, new perspectives, critical insights and even some challenges – into yourself and your business, continuously learning and discovering from other CEOs, business owners and leaders, and of course most importantly – acquiring long term friendships and connections.
You get an opportunity to help and to share and be part of a wonderful and exclusive community. Yes! Success!
CEOnly Starting Early Summer, 2024!
12 Weeks Meeting Every 1st and 3rd Wednesday for 90 minutes, starting at 1:30 pm Eastern Time.
“Vision. Leadership. Adaptability.”
“This was by far the best program I’ve ever attended. I also believe I’ve gained highly respected and trusted collaborators and friends for life – people who truly understand me and my business. If you ever have the chance, DON’T MISS IT!”
“Bruce gets his message across through captivating storytelling that people understand, relate to, and learn from; Stories which stay with them forever.”
My goal? To make you a better CEO… A better entrepreneur… A better partner… A better person. And there’s only one way to do that. I get right down there in the water with you. I’m rowing with you and for you, and doing my best to help you in every way possible.
Mostly to drive you towards solutions that create incredible RESULTS. But here’s the thing – it’s not just me helping you row. It’s 11 additional people helping you as well!! And you’re gaining their perspectives, their experiences, their successes and yes even their failures. There are some massively valuable lessons with every member of your CEOnly Strategic RoundTable group!
There’s a very critical factor to the success of any group of people: That the group “gels” – that everyone shares the same end goal or destination. To create a monumental impact on your business and your life… To have greater professional success and personal fulfillment… To gain life-long RELATIONSHIPS based on respect and trust… To have a trusted and respected “sounding board”… And quite possibly, to open a world of new opportunities.
To make that happen, it’s my responsibility to put the right people into the right CEOnly Strategic RoundTable group – to help everyone accomplish their goals and safely arrive at their chosen destinations.
Does this sound like a journey you may enjoy embarking upon?
Great! Just give me a call and let’s discuss it!
Call Bruce Now!
Have you ever seen Emeril Lagasse shouting “BAM!”? That’s explosive!! And that’s what happens in our CEOnly Strategic RoundTable sessions!
Every member participates in a group “hot seat.” You present your life, your family, your influences, your business(es), your challenges, your hurdles, your wins, and of course – your goals! Even in your hot seat preparation you’re going to discover some things you haven’t previously considered!
And then your CEOnly Strategic RoundTable mates begin asking you questions. There are clues in the questions, and you’ll begin to get some ideas. Perhaps even some breakthrough concepts and ideas. And, you choose your “accountability partner” – the person who takes notes for you (we record your hot seat session) and then holds you accountable for the rest of the term.
(many accountability partners continue well beyond the term of the CEOnly Strategic RoundTable)
Then, you “sit on your hands.” That means no talking – listen only. Your fellow members begin sharing their ideas, proven solutions, experiences, methods, connections, resources, EVERYTHING IMAGINABLE!
It will be a massive data dump. You’re going to be overwhelmed. Most members say they’re “blown away!” And now you know why we record the sessions. You’ll go back and watch the video over and over.
That’s just the hot seats… Think about all you’re going to discover from 11 other hot seats, the relationships you develop – many of them lifelong.
BAM!! Let’s sharpen the saw and let’s help each other. Interested?
Interested in joining? Have a question or two? Here’s my phone number – don’t hesitate to call: 305-602-0777.
(4 Minutes – 54 Seconds)
“Why I Do What I Do”
Things are not expensive or inexpensive based on what they cost. It’s actually based on the value we receive.
So before we discuss “expensive”, let’s first discuss the curriculum:

Let’s Discuss – 305-602-0777
CEOnly Curriculum
Each week, the curriculum is designed for personal and professional growth. And, I’ve purposefully created flexibility. Case in point: In a group that I’m facilitating right now, one of our members told us that his plans on selling his business hit some hurdles and speedbumps. He mentioned it 2 weeks in a row. So on the 3rd week, we began the day with a group huddle to help him out – to give him some ideas, share some fellow members experiences, resources, etc. And it went great! And – he’s now considering additional options and opportunities that he was previously resisting!
Most weeks begin with “Wins of the Week” and “1 on 1 Reports.” I typically share a growth or a clarity exercise – something to help you personally and professionally, and I share my process notes and answers. That provides ideas and directions.
Then, we have 1 or 2 individual “Hot Seats” (see the “Explosive” section above). This is your opportunity to share. What are your goals? Where are you heading? What are your blocks? Your frustrations or your challenges? What are your strategies and tactics?
And then – the feedback pours in. You have 11 other high-level team members sharing their solutions, their ideas, their hurdles and their wins! This is SUPER-POWERFUL! Big progress and big wins! AWESOME!
Back to Expensive…
Let’s face it… CEOnly is not for everyone, and it’s designed to be that way. Why would you want to be in a strategic forum with someone who doesn’t have years of experience sitting at the top? As they say, ‘it’s lonely at the top.’
The entire process wouldn’t work unless we were selective, and it begins with the fee. One payment: $14,000. Here we go back to Exclusive…
This isn’t just any old mastermind. And it requires careful selection. It’s a serious investment and I want to be certain this is going to be one of the best experiences of your life. And much of that is up to you, your participation and your engagement. This has to be a win-win.
My greatest desire is to hear you say “CEOnly was a HUGE WIN! I’m coming back!”
Does this sound like you? Then indeed – please give me a call. Here’s my personal direct phone number : 305-602-0777.
Here’s my promise: No pushing. No selling. Let’s just make sure we’re both a good fit for each other. But please call soon. Our seats are limited and I wouldn’t want you to miss out.
Call Me – 305-602-0777
About Bruce
What drives Bruce? Helping leaders and companies thrive in the brave new world of increased consumer expectations and choice. Bruce helps his clients and audiences uncover creative solutions and messaging strategies that future-proof their brands.
Bruce’s clients include Fortune 500 companies, executives, entrepreneurs and industry associations around the world. He brings creative solutions and shares those solutions through keynote speeches, company presentations and “Strategic RoundTables.” Bruce’s concepts help inspire leadership and spark innovations that propel his clients to new levels of success.
Bruce’s 5th book, the best-selling “All About Them” was chosen as one of Forbes’ “Top 10 Business Books of the Year.”
Bottom line: Bruce transforms businesses. Bruce transforms people’s lives. Get Bruce today!

“Bruce, you are the very best of everyone I’ve ever experienced in my career. Your remarkable ability to instill clear ideas with humor and yet connect it all together is world-class. Bravo!”
“Each week I am reminded of how truly grateful I am that our paths have crossed and that I said ‘yes’ to joining the RoundTable! I am blown away with all the counsel, advice, suggestions, and ideas that came from the group, and particularly your perspective on my personal impact!
Thank you so much.
The RoundTable has proven to be a HUGE BENEFIT!”